<aside> 👋 Welcome in BetterContact API documentation.
An API key has been generated when you created your account. This key is mandatory in your API calls to authenticate.
<aside> 💡 Get your key from this link: https://app.bettercontact.rocks/account?tab=api-settings
For any request, you have to join your api key in the parameter api_key
<aside> 💡 You are limited to 60 requests per minute.
GET <https://app.bettercontact.rocks/api/v2/account?api_key=MonApiKey&email=YourEmail>
"success": true,
"credits_left": 32377,
"email": "your_email@mycompany.com"
This endpoints works with two calls (async) :
first call : send the data to enrich
second call : fetch the enriched data
First call : Push data to enrich
Second call : Fetch enriched data